Come ottenere la fiducia dei lettori: un passo di Galeno Sulla dispnea


  • Daniela Manetti


How to win the reader’s confidence: A passage of Galen’s On dyspnoeaGalen’s treatise On dyspnoea was allegedly composed for a small readership.In spite of this, its three books display an accurate compositionalstrategy. This paper focuses on a passage from II 9 (VII 869, 17-870,5 K.), where Galen highlights as evidence of his own respect for Hippocrates’works and for his readership the accuracy of his excerpts fromthe texts he comments upon. In so doing, he also demonstrates his thorough,consistent philological awareness. This authorial stance enablesus to improve Kühn’s text for this passage as follows: ἢ ὑποπτεύεινὥς τι (correxi, ὥστε BCR Kühn) καὶ (καὶ om. B) παρεγγράφοντας (C,παραγράφοντας BR Kühn) ἡμᾶς.