Ricordo di Vincenzo Di Benedetto (con alcune lettere di Eduard Fraenkel).
In memory of Vincenzo Di Benedetto (with some letters of Eduard Fraenkel).
The paper presents a survey of the academic career and of the publications of Vincenzo Di Benedetto (1934-2013). Di Benedetto was one of the most influential scholars working on ancient Greek literature. His major contributions focus on Homer, Sappho, Greek tragedy, ancient Greek medicine. He also published important books on Foscolo and Manzoni. Di Benedetto was Professor at the Università di Pisa from 1967 until 2008; he also taught at the Scuola Normale Superiore from 1971 until 1993. Di Benedetto was a student of Eduard Fraenkel. The paper discusses this influence and publishes four letters from Eduard Fraenkel to Tristano Bolelli, dating from 1957. The letters witness to the interest that Fraenkel and Bolelli took in the intellectual development of their student.