Segnatura dei fascicoli di foliotazione in un incunabolo ebraico recentemente catalogato


  • Simone I. M. Pratelli

Parole chiave:

Catania, Eliezer Toledano, Foliation, Incunabulum, Pentateuch


The present notice draws on the description of the Hebrew incunabulum Inc. Vent. 9 in the recently published catalogue of the incunabula preserved at the Regional University Library in Catania. The copy is a masoretic Pentateuch accompanied by Targum Onqelos, Fragment Targum and Rashi commentary, printed in 1491 by Eliezer Toledano for Rabbi Yosef Kalfon in Lisboa. The aim of the present paper is to supplement the catalogue description with further details on the structure and signature of quires as well as on foliation.

